Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects approximately 8-12% of childrenworldwide. [130]ADHD is characterized by a wide range of attentional deficits includingdifficulty listening, paying attention, and finishing tasks. [131] Additionally, some childrenwith ADHD may also have difficulty with reading and writing. [132] Greater than 80% ofchildren diagnosed with ADHD in the US are treated with stimulants such as Ritalin.Although Ritalin has shown efficacy in the treatment of symptoms in some children, it hasconsiderable side effects including decreased appetite, insomnia, impaired growth andirritability. [133]It has been postulated that the lack of omega-3 fatty acids influences the brain in such away that may cause and/or worsen symptoms of ADHD. [134] Both children and adults withADHD have lower plasma concentrations of DHA omega-3 compared to age- and sexmatchedcontrols. [135][136][137][138]Several clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy ofboth EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids in reducing ADHD-related symptoms. [139][140]Inaddition, children (5–12 years of age) with developmental coordination disorder, which isalso associated with difficulties in learning and behavior, showed improvements in reading,spelling, and behavior after 3 months treatment with omega-3 fatty acids. [141]
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