Оплатил заказ с Айхерба с другой карты, требуют код подтверждения какой-то, где его взять? С той карты деньги списали.
Thank you for your recent order 30404859-0 with iHerb!
Unfortunately, we have not yet received a response to our request for credit card verification. Please respond as soon as possible so we can process your order.
We want to get your order shipped to you as fast as possible. For your protection, and ours, it is important to make sure that credit cards are being used by their proper owners.
We need to verify that you are the correct credit card holder. Please choose one of the two verification methods listed below:
Option One: Verification by Small Charge Amount
Upon being sent this email requesting verification, a Small Charge was made to your card then refunded immediately. We request that you look at your online credit card statement or contact your bank to find out the exact amount of this charge.
Once you obtain the Small Charge Amount, please provide to iHerb by clicking HERE
Note: If your credit card generally deals with foreign currency, you will need the exact U.S. dollar amount, not the amount in your local currency. The bank can verify the U.S. dollar amount for you.
Option Two: Verification by Authorization Code
When you placed your order, the transaction was assigned an Authorization Code by your bank. You can obtain this code by contacting your Bank or Credit Card company and requesting the Authorization Code related to this order. Please note that the Authorization Code is unique to each transaction on your credit card.
Once you obtain the Authorization Code, please provide to iHerb by clicking HERE
If you have any questions, you may contact us by replying to this email or via any of the other methods listed HERE
Социальные закладки